The advertising industry needs to face the music. It’s high time it used its enormous powers of persuasion for good. London based network Purpose Disruptors are group of insiders who want to create a visible, large scale, bottom up movement within the industry to meaningfully tackle climate change.
Read MoreWho doesn’t want to be liberated from structures? Seriously, here are a whole load of tried and tested ideas to help you do meetings differently and get better results, leaving no excuses for the usual bleating from the front.
Read MoreCamerados is a global movement of people who think the way through tough times is be more human, and look out for each other more. Their public living rooms spaces are wonderful, agenda free zones, where you can sit down for a chat people’s you’d never otherwise meet.
Read MoreTortoise are building a different type of newsroom for a slower, more reflective kind of journalism. They are the tonic for a fake news, fast news and recovering Twitter addicts.
Read MoreTruthTeller.Life was conceived and developed by an independent group of citizens, incubated and supported by Extinction Rebellion (XR). Inspired by XR’s first demand - Tell the Truth - their aim to create a more urgent and personal re-telling of the future while there is still time to prepare for a radically changing world.
Read MoreResponsive Org aims to develop a shared language and independent global community that promotes and enables a fundamental shift in our way of working and organising
Read MoreThe New Citizenship project want to reclaim the idea of the ‘Citizen’. When we think of ourselves as citizens, we’re more likely to participate, volunteer and come together to make our society stronger and more effective.
Read MoreREORGANISE! The Reinventing Work network is a global grassroots movement for people interested in a more human-centred, purposeful and self-organised ways of working.
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Avaaz is a global web movement to bring people-powered politics to decision-making everywhere
Pretotyping is a set of tools, techniques, and tactics designed to help you validate any idea for a new product quickly, objectively, and accurately, by Alberto Savoia.
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